Mommy's favorite photos

Saturday, July 26, 2008

The New Obsession

TRANSFORMERS! It's all I hear about! It all started when I began bringing Evan with me to work. I clean house for a mentally handicapped man (who is sooo nice, but very child-like). Evan comes with me because I'm only there for an hour, and it's very light cleaning. Tony (the client) loves kids, and he always has a toy for Evan when we go there. He started giving him transformers toys and movies. I do think this subject matter is a little old for E, but how can I say no to this sweet man? Evan has taken such an interest in these lil toys, that he wants to "play Transformers," and insists on having a costume to boot. Leave it to me to pull out the construction paper and create a costume that I now have to fight him to take off at bedtime. This is what i get for being crafty!
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My little man growing up!