Mommy's favorite photos

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Our beautiful baby girl

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Our happy little family!

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A taste of spring!

Evan toolin' down the Prarie Path!
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Gramma sooze

Evan and Ellah Lovin' their California Gramma! We had a great visit with her and Grampa Greg!
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Saturday, February 14, 2009

Big Brother

Big Brother Evan welcomes his new baby sister!
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Sunday, January 25, 2009

Birthday Boy

We had Evan's birthday party yesterday. He had a blast! His REAL birthday is Jan 28. Our boy is 4 years old!! Time flies!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Transformers bedroom

We had to make a room for the new baby, so we made Evan a BIG BOY bedroom in the former play room. At first, he completely resisted the idea, telling us that he needs a "sleeping room AND a play room." He changed his tune when he came home (after an afternoon spent at Na Na's house) to find his play room converted into a Transformers bedroom, complete with glow in the dark stars, and a stage for him to rock out on. He's quite the happy boy! I'm not sure that Daddy is so happy about the transformation, since Evan makes him play in his new room ALL DAY LONG! I'll bet it beats bulding closets all day though!
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Evan says he has to shave now, cause he's gonna be a four year old.
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My little man growing up!